I am committed to working towards a more inclusive field for the next
generation of biostatisticians. To that end, I have served in multiple
roles as part of the Caucus for Women in Statistics and am a member of
the Memorial Sloan Kettering Bridge
to Biostats committee, which seeks to foster a more inclusive
biostats community by creating programs to increase awareness of and
interest in the field of Biostatistics among New York City public high
school students. Related presentations, articles and memberships are
highlighted below.
Co-led 8th grade and high school “Biostats Days” to introduce
students to biostatistics (December 2020, March 2021, April and July
2022, March, July and November 2023, May and June 2024). Partner
organizations include Bridge to
Enter Advanced Mathematics, Baruch Step Academy, and Success Academy.
Our program features a presentation by a Featured Biostatistician.
Find out more information about volunteering to present on your path to
biostatistics in our April 2023 AmStat
News article.
Organized a contributed panel discussion on Skills
& Strategies for Successful Negotiation at the Women in
Statistics and Data Science Conference (2020) featuring panelists
Dr. Emma Benn, Professor Lori Evarts, Dr. Shanthi Sethuraman, and
Dr. Kelly Zou. A recap of the session was published in the February 2021
issue of AmStat
Presented on my path to a career in biostatistics to the Loyola
University Maryland CPaMS Scholars
students (2022 and 2023)
Presented in an 8th grade Bridge to Enter Advanced Mathematics
Career Day (2020)
Mentor in the New York Academy of Sciences’ 1000 Girls, 1000
Futures mentoring program (2018-2021). Published a corresponding article
highlighting this mentorship opportunity.