Since 2017, I have worked as a Research Biostatistician in the
Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics at Memorial Sloan Kettering
Cancer Center. Below are a few highlights from research programs that I
have been a part of, as well as related publications and
American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) project GENIE
BPC (Genomics Evidence Neoplasia Information Exchange Biopharma
Collaborative) is a cross-institution collaboration between MSKCC, Dana
Farber Cancer Institute and Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer Center with
biopharmaceutical partners working towards linking cancer genomic
sequencing data with clinical treatment and outcomes data (press
release). As a part of the Statistical Coordinating Center, I am
involved in writing standard operating procedures for quality assurance,
maintaining a quality assurance dashboard, deriving variables that will
be publicly released with the data and performing statistical
{genieBPC} is available on CRAN
and GitHub, and was
included on the RStudio blog August 2022 list of Top
40 New CRAN Packages, out of approximately 200 packages released to
CRAN that month.
Workshop on Genomic Data Curation and Access: Analyzing Clinical and
Genomic Oncological Data with the {genieBPC} R Package at the Moffitt
Cancer Center Statistical Practice in Cancer Conference (February
Defining Real-World Recurrence in the AACR Project GENIE BPC Data.
Presented at the American Association for Cancer Research Annual Meeting
(April 2021; AACR
Meeting News article), the Memorial Sloan Kettering Lung Cancer
Oncology Group Seminar Series (May 2021), and the Memorial Sloan
Kettering Hospital Research Forum (November 2021)
In collaboration with the Exercise
Oncology service at MSK, I have been a part of a number of protocols
and research projects investigating the role of exercise in preventing
cancer and improving survival among people with cancer. Select
publications are highlighted below: